Wagner, Andreas ``Learning Thematic Role Relations for Lexical Semantic Nets" In: PhD. thesis , University of Tuebingen, 2005. http://w210.ub.uni-tuebingen.de/dbt/volltexte/2005/2005/
Keywords: role relations, selectional preferences

Wagner, Andreas ``Estimating frequency counts of concepts in multiple-inheritance hierarchies" In: Proceedings of GermaNet Workshop 'Anwendungen des deutschen Wortnetzes in Theorie und Praxis' , pp. 69-78, Tuebingen, 2003. http://www.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/lsd/GermaNet-Workshop/paper_wagner.pdf

Wagner, Andreas ``Learning thematic role relations for wordnets" In: Proceedings of ESSLLI-2002 Workshop on Machine Learning Approaches in Computational Linguistics , pp. 99-113, Trento, 2002. http://www.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/~kuebler/esslli02/papers/wagner.ps

Wagner, Andreas ``Enriching a lexical semantic net with selectional preferences by means of statistical corpus analysis" In: Proceedings of ECAI-2000 Workshop on Ontology Learning , pp. 37-42, Berlin, 2000. http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/CEUR-WS/Vol-31/AWagner_16.pdf

Wiebe, Janyce, J. Maples, L. Duan and Rebecca Bruce. ``Experience in WordNet sense tagging in the Wall Street Journal.'' In: Proceedings of the ACL SIGLEX Workshop on Tagging Text with Lexical Semantics: Why, What and How? Washington, April 1997. http://www.CS.NMSU.Edu/~wiebe/pubs/papers/anlplex97.ps

Wiebe, Janyce, Tom O'Hara and Rebecca Bruce. ``Constructing Bayesian networks from WordNet for word-sense disambiguation: representational and processing issues.'' In: Proceedings of the COLING/ACL Workshop on Usage of WordNet in Natural Language Processing Systems, Montreal, 1998. http://www.CS.NMSU.Edu/~wiebe/pubs/papers/siglex98.ps
Keywords: sense disambiguation

Wong, Shun Ha Sylvia. ``Fighting Arbitrariness in WordNet-like Lexical Databases~-- A Natural Language Motivated Remedy" In: Proceedings of the Second Global WordNet Conference , pp. 234-241, Brno, Czech Republic, January 20-23, 2004. http://www.fi.muni.cz/gwc2004/proc/117.pdf

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