Dictionary of Computer Acronyms and Abbreviations

  • Dictionary of Computer Acronyms and Abbreviations



Dictionary of Computer Acronyms and Abbreviations

This Companion Volume to our Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms (Vol.1) - Dictionary of Computer Acronyms and Abbreviations, has 4,300 terms. It also includes a section on file name extensions with 38,000 entries showing the most commonly used extensions and their association with various software systems.

No other dictionary of computing terms even comes close to the breadth of this one. It is designed to be used by everyone from the novice seeking the most basic information ... to the mainframe systems programmer and MIS professional looking for sophisticated and hard-to-find information that's not available in most reference books. It's all here in one indispensable reference source

This dictionary is ideal not only for students of computing but for those studying the related fields of Information Technology, mathematics, physics, media communications, electronic engineering, and natural sciences.

We also publish a companion volume (Vol.1) of Dictonary of Computer and Internet Terms which contains 32,000 terms that are specific to Computers and the Internet.

This dictionary is available in more than 100 languages.