2019 Picture Dictionary Challenge

What's In It For Me?

Your name on the cover!
We'll copyright the book in your name and publish the book for you. In most countries copyright extends for the life of the author plus 75 years, so you'll have a potential lifetime of income from the sale of your book.
Royalties from the sale of your book.
Royalties are based on the selling price and the channel through which your book is sold. For books sold at retail on Amazon, your royalty will be about $5 per copy sold. For books sold through other channels such as book stores, schools, and libraries the royalty will range from $3 to $8 per copy. The Recognition of being a published author!
We may not be the best known publisher around, but we sell thousands of books each year. We'll help you through the entire process and you can showcase your finished book on your resume. A bit of work to make it happen!
We estimate it will take you about 20 hours to do your first book - others will come together much quicker. An experienced editor can complete a book in about 4 hours. The hours you set, and the dictionaries you help create are up to you.