Phrases in Dioula
kuluba en julakan

This set of pages contains over 1,000 terms in Dioula, English and French arranged by topic. They are excerpted from our Burkina Phrasebook.

For most speakers in the southwest of Burkina Faso, the Dioula language is not their mother tongue, but is spoken readily in their daily life with people of other ethnic groups. It is very important as a trade language. Dioula is spoken by approximately 12 million people, 3 million of them live in Burkina Faso, the rest in the neighboring countries.

As the Bible translation was only recently completed in Dioula (1997 NT and 2013 OT), this dictionary represents an early effort to provide literacy materials for the Dioula people. We anticipate that regular updates will be issued.

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Source: Burkina Phrasebook

  • english
  • English Dictionary

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